Tuesday, 16 August 2011

3 Finalists from Kuching Made It to the Amaze International Model Search Final

The Amaze International Model Search (AIMS) was held in Kuching 2 weeks ago on 30th and 31st of July. AIMS is a nationwide model search competition organized by Amaze Communications and Modeling Sdn Bhd and proudly presented by i-Young. This event is also in collaboration with Asia Success and Kuala Lumpur Design Week (KLDW).

Finalist Gino Chiew
During the 2 days audition, we have seen hundreds of ardent contestants, all eager to participate in our model search in hope of becoming one of the finalists to compete in our grand finale. It was no easy job for the panel of judges to finally select the finalists from the talented contestants from Kuching. However, among the contestants, three contestants in particular stood out for us because of their extraordinary looks and personality, thus they were selected as the finalists for the competition. Here we would like to congratulate our finalists: Stefanie Wong Siew Ching (172cm), Valenice Tiong Sie Yin (174cm) and Gino Chiew (180cm). 

Finalist Valenice Tiong
These 3 contestants will receive luxurious E-light treatment sponsored by Perfect Glow Wellness worth RM980. E-light treatment uses the latest technology that will give the user better skin tone, smoother skin and visibly reduce sun and age spots. The treatment uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and radio frequency (RF) that can penetrate below the skin's epidermis to enhance the production of collagen and unclog the blood vessels.

Besides this, the finalists will also be receiving a 1 week intensive training in Amber Chia Academy. These finalists will be personally trained by the chief trainer in the academy, Benjamin Toong. Included in this training are posture training, runway training as well as training that helps the contestants to build up stronger personality and image as a model. The finalists will also have fitness training in Gorgeous Fitness where they will be trained by professionals for a better physique and also a healthier body.

Stefamie Wong
That's not all, the finalists will also receive a makeover by our specialists from Kimarie Saloon and Academy and also Sense & Style Beauty Academy. Not only will the finalists be equipped with chique and fashionable looks from this makeover, but they will also get to learn firsthand from the specialists some tips on makeup and hairstyling and also get some pointers of the latest trend in the fashion industry.

To further improve and maximize the potential of our finalists, Amaze will also hire professional trainer to give the finalists the right perspective of the modeling industry and also guide them to have the right mindset ready to face the challenges awaiting them in their modeling career. This is a golden opportunity for the finalists to upgrade their looks, gain more exposure and also learn more about modeling and fashion from the professionals.

Our journey to scout the best models in the country is not over yet as the next round of audition is coming really soon. We will be holding the next audition in KL on 10th and 11th of September in Southgate. If you are interested and think you have what it takes, we hope to see you there in our auditions.

The 3 finalists selected from Kuching will compete with the finalists we select from KL and compete in our grand finale. For our grand finale, we have invited KLDW ambassador Fabian Sixtus Körner, Amber Chia Academy chief trainer Benjamin Toong, Gorgeous Fitness founder Calvin Hee, i-Young spokeperson Lavin Seow and also our very own Amaze founder Darren Choo as our judges. From the finalists, two winners will be selected in the male and female categories.

Amaze International Model Search 2011 is a competition designed for aspiring models to realize their dreams. It is also a platform for various corporates to become our partners and sponsors to increase and expand their exposure to a wider audience. For more information about the competition, please visit our facebook page http://www.facebook/aimsmodel or contact our organizer Patrick through phone: 016 – 203 6614 / 012 - 3161288 or email: aims@amaze.my.

Monday, 15 August 2011

东马区黄小晶张诗云周廷严闯入Amaze International Model Search 2011总决赛

Amaze Communications and Modeling Sdn Bhd 主办,i-Young 荣誉呈献,亚洲企业品牌杂志和Kuala Lumpur Design Week为策略合作伙伴,一场在古晋富丽华广场,众所瞩目的《Amaze International Model Search 2011》搜寻活动已在201173031日已圆满结束。感谢多位参赛者踊跃的参与,在大家的期待下,古晋站参赛者入围名单已热腾腾的出炉了!

恭喜Stefanie Wong Siew Ching 黄小晶 (172 cm)Valenice Tiong Sie Yin 张诗云 (174 cm)Gino Chiew 周廷严 (180 cm)闯入了总决赛。希望他们能够在总决赛里有一番亮眼的成绩,为东马争光!东马的入围者将远赴西马接受一系列的课程培训和改造,以成为更出色亮眼的模特儿。

他们将获得Perfect Glow Wellness所赞助的E光治疗 :价值RM980 E光治疗,采用最新技术,为您提供更好的肤色,平滑肌肤,明显减少太阳和老年斑。治疗使用强脉冲光(IPL)和射频(RF),可以穿透皮肤的表皮,以提高胶原蛋白的生产和疏通血管。

所有的入围者将有机会在Amber Chia Academy里接受总教练Benjamin Toong为期一周密集的模特儿课程培训。此培训包括了:仪态,走猫步和理想的形象。而Gorgeous Fitness大会指定的健身中心,将提供一系列的健美培训,以让入围者了解如何保持身体的健康和标准的身材。大会指定知名造型合作伙伴Kimarie Saloon and Academy, Sense & Style Beauty Academy将为入选模特儿改头换面,打造全新型象,体现入选模特儿所具有百变创意的面貌且入围者还有难得的机会跟造型设计师学习最时尚的发型与化妆技巧。

Stefanie 黄小晶
Gino 周廷严

910日及11日,在西马吉隆坡隆重举行。大会也特别邀请来自德国著名艺术家兼吉隆坡设计周大使的Fabian Sixtus Korner Amber Chia Academy的总教练Benjamin Toong, Gorgeous Fitness的创办人Calvin HeeAmaze的创办人Darren Choo以及著名艺人兼i-Young 代言人萧伊婷担任总决赛的评审,以选出两位总冠军(男女)。

Amaze International Model Search 2011》是一个提供帅哥美女展现潜质实现梦想的平台,也是商家们藉以开拓市场提升知名度的管道,我们屏息期待2011924日总决赛,时尚界与演艺界闪亮星光的诞生。欲知详情请参阅面子书(Facebook):http://www.facebook/aimsmodel 联络大会负责人Patrick 电话016 – 203 6614 / 012 - 3161288 电邮  aims@amaze.my