Thursday, 21 July 2011

《Amaze International Model Search 2011》 i-Young推动世界和平理念 发掘最具潜质和魅力模特儿

一场别开生面的帅哥美女搜寻行动,将于7月份开始在全马展开。Amaze Communications and Modeling Sdn Bhd主办,i-Young 荣誉呈献,亚洲企业品牌杂志为策略合作伙伴,《Amaze International Model Search 2011将不分国籍、种族、肤色,为国际时尚界发掘具潜质和魅力的模特儿;同时推动世界和平的理念,把时尚界的力量团结起来展示人性和善的一面,以美丽消除冲突,为人人享有人权做出努力。

 Amaze International Model Search》的冠军男女除了个别可以赢取现金RM3000 ,奖杯、奖状以及价值RM1500I-Young神奇羊胎盘素I-YOUNG神奇羊胎盘素是全球唯一专利生育三烯酚Tocomin羊胎素。 Tocomin生育三烯酚是使用美国专利的生物强化系统,保证增加吸收度达300%,为荣获冠军男女打造健康和美丽,成为I-YOUNG的代言人,且签约AMAZE,培训成为艺人及主持人,进军演艺事业。大会另外还设有3个特别奖,即:最具潜质模特儿、传媒推荐模特儿及最上镜模特儿。除此以外,我们的赞助商My Beauty Cottage也会特别颁发"最具有自然美模特儿"。My Beauty Cottage 采用100%天然成分的护肤品,自然且无添加,为您的肌肤补充最天然的营养, 更健康地呵护您的肌肤。 My Beauty Cottage的设计装潢,给予您家一般的温暖, 让您尽情陶醉于不受干扰的舒适愉悦与居家温馨, 仿佛置身于自家,让您忘却烦恼与压力,彻底舒缓您的疲惫。 除了提供轻松写意, 优雅舒适的环境, My Beauty Cottage 五星级酒店般的服务让每个光临的顾客流连忘返。 让您忙碌的生活中,偶尔享受一下慵懒。

目前主办已紧锣密鼓筹备展开天罗地网的搜寻计划,首站将会在人杰地灵的东马展开,73031日于古晋 Boulevard Shopping Mall,首都站则是在910日与11,凡年龄18岁至28岁,女生身高168CM以上,男生身高需175CM以上,皆可现场报名参加,藉以发挥本身的才华与潜质.


 据大会策划方彦婷(Tina Fong) 透露,Amaze将会选出24位最具潜质的男女参赛者进入决赛,入围者将会参与全国巡回走秀和接受为期一周密集的模特儿课程培训,包括了:仪态、走猫步、形象及世界和平日的概念。大会指定知名造型合作伙伴Kimarie Saloon and Academy, Sense & Style Academy将为入选模特儿改头换面,打造全新型象,体现入选模特儿所具有百变创意的面貌。

配合一年一度的时尚活动-“2011吉隆坡设计“ (Kuala Lumpur Design Week 2011)主办单位也特别安排入围模特儿参与户外拍摄,捕捉模特儿们对镜头的敏感度与展现各自镜头前的吸睛魅力,这些照片也将作为模特儿的档案。

大会也特别邀请来自德国著名艺术家,也是吉隆坡设计大使的Fabian Sixtus Korner担任首都和亚洲总决赛之评审,马新演员萧伊婷也将为总决赛落足眼力,选出冠军人马。

Amaze International Model Search 2011一个提供帅哥美女展现潜质实现梦想的平台,也是商家们藉以开拓市场提升知名度的管道,我们屏息期待2011924日总决赛,时尚界与演艺界闪亮星光的诞生。欲知详情请参阅面子书(Facebook):联络大会策划方彦婷Tina Fong  电话016-310 1161 电邮


Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Amaze International Model Search 2011

The biggest model search of the country is here! This year, Amaze Communications and Modeling is holding "Amaze International Model Search" to look for talented and aspiring models from all over the world! Even before the official launch of this competition, this event is already making waves in the country, attracting the attention of various media as well as prospective contestants. Until now, thousands of hopefuls have already signed up to join this epic adventure. What we can assure you is that the programs and events we have in store for this competition is nothing short of spectacular, both for the contestants and the audience!

Before we delve into the details of the competition, what about some teasers of the prizes we are giving out to get you excited? There will be two places for auditions and recruitment, one will be in Kuching and another in KL. (More details on the recruitment on the previous post)

For contestants in Kuching, you are in luck! Just have a sneak peak at some of our prizes:

All finalists are entitled for:
i) Free LPG Treatment worth RM 168! LPG is a top quality treatment that utilizes machines imported from Italy. The treatment can help in reducing dark circle, eye bag and also fine lines on skin.
ii) Free 30% Product Voucher for purchase of any GUT product from Perfect Glow Wellness in a single receipt.

iii) Free 50% Treatment Voucher from Perfect Glow Wellness. Depending on the choice of the contestants, the voucher could be redeemed for either a facial treatment or a slimming treatment!
For contestants who are selected to go to KL, there are more prizes for you! We have:
iv) E-Light Treatment
E-light treatment uses the latest technology to give you a better skin tone, smoother skin and visibly reduce sun and age spots. The treatment uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and radio frequency (RF) that can penetrate below the skin's epidermis to enhance the production of collagen and unclog the blood vessels. This treatment is worth RM980 and is simply one of the fastest and best ways to make your skin looks fresher and brighter!

v) RM500 Cash Voucher for you to redeem any GUT products from Perfect Glow Wellness.

Beside standing a chance to walk away with the amazing sponsored prizes and cash prize, you will also gain valuable experience and training during the competition. More importantly however, is that the winner will get the chance to join the wonderful team in Amaze by getting a 1 year contract with Amaze company and also getting free treatments and products from the company! This is definitely not a chance to be missed! As most successful models in the industry will tell you, the best way to boost the modeling career for a new model is through gaining exposure and experience. Amaze as one of the best event planning and branding companies in Malaysia is always organizing and holding events nationwide, including some really large-scale events. Translation: Plenty of opportunities for the models to gain exposure and experience!

(Wondering about prizes for KL contestants? More details of prizes for KL recruitment coming soon)

More about the Competition

 Beside finding the new talents, this competition also strives to achieve several other goals which include:
i) discovering new & talented fashion designers
- we will be providing our contestants clothes designed by some of the uprising and promising local fashion designers.

ii) to create a competitive edge between local and overseas model
- in par with our company's aim to become a world class company, we also strive to cultivate models that are of international standard and thus creating a competitive edge between local and overseas models.

iii) to support, promote as well as create awareness towards the International Peace Day on 21st September 2011.
- there is nothing more valuable to a nation and the world than peace and harmony. Thus we hope that through this competition we can help to promote this meaningful day.

iv) to create more awareness about how we can become eco-friendly citizens
- in line with our company vision to go green, we also hope to send the positive message to encourage people to become more eco-friendly.

v) to support Kuala Lumpur Design Week (KLDW)
-KLDW is the largest event in Malaysia’s creative industry organized annually. Our models will walk in the runway of KLDW in the grand finale in front of hundreds and thousands of audience.

What's in Store for the Contestants

After the finalists were selected, the contestants will undergo intensive training in Gorgeous Fitness which includes catwalk training by runway professionals. The contestants will also be given a new haircut as well as have their hair styled by skilled hair stylists from Kimarie. Besides that, the talented makeup artists from Sense & Style will also give make-ups for the contestants. With the trendy new hairstyle and edgy looks given by Kimarie and Sense & Style, the contestants will then do a photo-shoot in which the best photos from the photo-shoot will be selected for judging.

The grand finale of this competition will be held at Publika Dutamas on the 24th of September 2011 in cooperation with KLDW. We invite everyone who is interested to come and join us for an exciting night! We are very eager to present to you the cream of the crop, the most potential models that we select from thousands of candidates. With their new looks and high fashion outfits, the models are sure to wow the crowd as they strut their stuffs on the runway!

What's more is that, we were able to invite some really well-known and capable judges for the competition!

The judges for this event are:

1) Benjamin Toong

Benjamin Toong
Named as the 'Runway Guru', Mr. Benjamin Toong does not need much introduction, as he is one the most prominent figures in Malaysia's fashion industry whom most of us are familiar with. Benjamin Toong is the founder of Runway Production, which housed some of Malaysia's biggest models today. Runway production is known for its personalized trained runway courses and also for producing versatile models with sharp instincts and distinctive looks. Models from runway production have graced covers of many leading fashion magazines, billboards and prestigious advertising campaigns. Not only that, as a 'Runway Guru' Benjamin Toong also generously shares his expertise in the runway as the chief runway instructor in Amber Chia Academy. The honor is truly ours for having the amazing Benjamin Toong as our judge.

Fabian Sixtus Körner

2) Fabian Sixtus Körner
At only the age of 29, Fabian has already achieved a myriad of success in various fields that many others could only dreamed of. Fabian is an award winning interior architect, graphic designer, photographer, blogger and full time Design-Journeyman whose work is exhibited worldwide and published in renowned media. He is now embarking on a worldwide tour and documents his experience in his blog "Stories of a Journeyman". We are very pleased to have him in our judging team!

2) Calvin Hee
Calvin Hee

With a bright smile and a heap-load of confidence, Calvin Hee brought a new flavor to the Malaysian modeling industry. As one of the winners of Men's Uno Model Search 2009 and gaining a lot of valuable experience since then, it is a privilege for our contestants to be able to get some advice and words of wisdom from Calvin. Besides, Calvin is also the founder of Gorgeous Fitness Centre. Gorgeous Fitness is the official training venue for our contestants. Gorgeous Fitness not only have some of the best facilities a gym could offer, the gym also includes a new element which is to incorporate its own boutique "Gorgeous Boutique" in the gym. After a big sweat-out in the gym, it is always nice to be able to upgrade your self-image by visiting the in-house boutique.

Lavin Seow

4) Lavin Seow
Last but definitely not the least in the panel is Lavin Seow! Lavin is a former runner up in Miss Malaysia and also now a very well-know personality in Malaysia. With her fresh look and hour-glass body figure, no one could have guessed that Lavin is already a mother of two sons. It is no wonder that Miss Lavin is the latest ambassador for the product i-Young, the main presenter of this competition.

With the amazing panel of judges and fashion shows lining up for the competition, are we set for the competition? Not yet! Beside fashion shows, there will also be video presentations from the contestants that will sure to help the judges and the audience to know more about the contestants and what's happening backstage. There will also be award presentation for photographers and also exciting guest performances for the show! Besides this, there will also be special awards for the contestants such as 'The Most Potential model', 'The Most Photogenic Model' and also 'The Best Natural Skin Model". The Best Natural Skin Model award will be presented by My Beauty Cottage. My Beauty Cottage is known for their 100% organic skin care. Not only that, My Beauty Cottage also offers a sort of home-away-from-home venue for various skin care treatments. You would have felt that you have step into the comfort of your home while relaxing in the luxurious environment with excellent service from the staffs.

Soundclash Music Mania

The show however, does not end with us crowning the winners of the competition. After our grand finale, the party continues with Soundclash Music Mania. Soundclash Music Mania includes artists from all over the world. Some of the artists performing include Syko’G’ (Bangkok) , King Lhota(Sinegal) , Tweets(Jakarta) , Kiko&Sadao( Tokyo), LepaqueMoll (Germany), Steve Crash (France) and Alzaik(Bosnia).

So come for the excitement and stay for the fun!

Lastly, we would like to give a special thanks to our official venue sponsor, Boulevard Shopping Mall and our main presenter i-young

As was mentioned above, Lavin Seow, one of our judges is the official ambassador for I-young. I-young is her secret to staying young, beautiful and healthy.

I-Young sheep placenta is the Global 1st Patented Tocomin Sheep Placenta. Tocomin Tocotrienols is extracted using a US Patented Bio-enhanced System guarantees increase absorption by 300%.

i-Young sheep placenta is safe to consume with no side effect and comes with lots of benefits such as cancer prevention, prevents heart disease, high antioxidant, helps improve in skin and complexion, joints and bones, boost up immune system and vitality and nursing of beauty.

i-Young provides you the information about the benefits, the ingredients and details for sheep placenta. Please visit  for their tips on how sheep placenta can works well on you.
Other sponsors:

If you're interested in becoming one of our sponsors and want to know more about the advantage of being our sponsors, kindly contact for more details.

Amaze International Model Search 2011 Recruitment Details

What we are looking for:
Basically, we are looking for someone who is versatile and able to work well in photoshoot, runway and also as a spokesperson.

This recruitment is open to all Malaysians, Malaysians with PR & Foreigners with valid working permit/ student visas.

The recruiting criteria are:
  • Participants must be 18 years old to 28 years old.
  • Minimum height requirements are as follows:
    • Male – 175cm and above
    • Female – 168cm and above
Interested participants can send their information to The things you should include in your information are:

Personal Profile
  • Full Name
  • Gender
  • Age
  • IC/Passport No.
  • Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
  • Nationality
  • Marital Status

Contact Information
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Contact No.

Additional Information
  • Height (cm)
  • Weight (kg)
  • Vital statistics (inches) [Bust, Waist and Hips measurements]

TWO clear photos (half body & full body below 1MB in size)

There are also two walk-in recruiting events scheduled.

1) Kuching:
Venue: Boulevard Shopping Mall
Date: 30th and 31st of July 2011
Time: 11am to 9pm.

2) KL
Venue: Southgate
Date: 10th and 11th of September 2011
Time: 11am to 9pm

To get the latest updates about the competition, you can also 'like' us on facebook at
For more information, please email or call Amaze Careline at 012-316 1288.]